Sunday, February 12, 2012

Me J.U.N.A.I.D.A.H. Y.U.S.O.F

Assalamualaikum, Hallo, Nameste, Ni hao!!!

A glance about JUNAIDAH YUSOF
I only have single name with eight letters in it, J.U.N.A.I.D.A.H and all my siblings have a short name just like me… Maybe we are the minority group that have very short name compared with others… My family called me AJUN (so aesthetic), my friends call me JUN or JU

I’m originally come from Perak and so do my parents. But so pathetic I can’t speak in Perak slang.  I have a Chinese look (maybe..hahaha) because my grad grandfather was Chinese… No wonder Chinese always speaking mandarin with me (when I was child) until now (about two weeks ago, at college, a Chinese cleaner speak mandarin with me)…

I’m youngest, out of eight in my family. Because of that my friends (especially Indah and Raidah) always called me “ANAK BONGSU”…

Oh, UTM!!!!
WOWWWW!!!! A lot of memory that should not be forgotten at UTM… So much experience I got and the most important thing, I can build ukhwah with many people… Starting from first year I joined Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa (from vice president of management until I become president) and when I was in second year until now I joined Student Representative Council (MPM)…

HRIS, Never Happen Again…..
What was in my mind when I want to register HRIS subject (last semester), “this subject must be so bored and full with information about technology and SYSTEM!!” Honestly, I have bad experience on technology subject (happen at matriculation) and because of that I always have bad perception on technology class… But HRIS totally change my perception… Alhamdulillah…HRIS is not only about a SYSTEM but it’s including about HR component and how we need to manage it…
Even I’m from psychology field, I will try to understand HR more because I really want be psychologist in industry sector… InsyaAllah….
Friday, February 3, 2012

Reflection on “Introduction to Human Resource Information Systems”

I learn this topic during my second week of lecture… Wow that was so cool because I don’t really understand what HR information Systems is… Dr. Naha???  She was so cool and I like her teaching style (make me always wake up because anytime she will point at me the questions)..hahaha…

So, HRIS (I prefer to call HARIS rather the HRIS) is an organizational function especially certain issues of the employee such as:
  •   recruitment and selection
  •  training and development (help manager to plan and monitor employee from time to time
  •   performance appraisal
  • compensation (wages, salaries, incentive payments, fringe benefits
  •   performance management 
That was the definition of the HRIS for the overall…

While, information systems is a system whether automated or manually (comprises by people or machine) are used to collect, transmit, process or disseminate data of the user information. For example when the organization want to do the recruiting process, they can build one system that can automatically classify based on the need of the organization. It can be used to select the potential employee and store all the data and information systematically.

If we compared to the pass 1950 years, virtually is never existed and nowadays, the virtual information systems widely used over the world… So now, all the information needed can be access directly through the systems without wasting more time and energy (effectively and efficiently)…

It was developed to increase productivity, service, safety, greater accuracy, reduce errors, improve communication among organization and non-organization community.

  •       Can be expensive in terms of finance and manpower.
  •       Can be threatening and inconvenient (can be hack and infected). 
  •       Most important thing that computer (system) cannot substitute human beings.

As conclusion, I LOVE HRIS!!!!