Monday, May 14, 2012

Benefits and Services

There are four types of employee benefits which are:
(1)   Supplemental pay
(2)   Insurance benefits
(3)   Retirement benefits
(4)   Executive services

There also have some policy issues in designing benefit packages such as:
-          Which benefits to offer
-          Whether to include retirees
-          How to finance benefits
-          Cost containment procedures
-          Who will be covered
-          Coverage during probation
-          Degree of employee choice
-          Communicating benefits options

Pay for time not worked:
-          Unemployment insurance (provides for benefits if a person is unable to work through no fault of his or her own)
-          Sick leave (provide pay to an employee when he or she is out of work because of illness)
-          Severance pay (a one-time payment when terminating an employee)
-          Vacations and holidays (number of paid leave days and holidays varies by employer)
-          Parental leave (up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave within a one-year period)
-          Supplemental unemployment benefits (payments that supplement the laid-off or furloughed employee’s unemployment compensation)
Some of the insurance benefits provided:
-          Worker’s compensation
-          Hospitalization, health, and disability insurance
-          Health maintenance organization (HMO)
-          Preferred provider organization (PPOs)

Family-friendly (work-life) benefits:
-          Subsidized child care
-          Sick child benefits
-          Elder care
-          Time off
-          Subsidized employee transportation
-          Food services
-          Educational subsidies
-          Fitness and medical facilities
-          Flexible work scheduling

Flexible work schedules:
-          Flextime
-          Compressed workweek schedules
-          Workplace flexibility
-          Jon sharing
-          Work sharing

A flexible work schedule is an alternative way for women who has child because they can choose work time according their needs. In Asian especially Malaysia, flexible work schedule is not very familiar compared in western. In western they more open on this and the manager more understand their workers situation. As long the workers show high performance, the manager won’t bother whether they want work at flexible time or formal as office hours.


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