Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reflection on “Web Based Human Resource Planning: Recruiting and Staffing”

There are three main processes involve in this topic which is recruitment (initial), selection (initial, present) and staffing (initial, present)…
                        Recruitment means the process of attracting, screening (based on job specification and job description) and selecting the potential employee based on the requirements.
      ii.            Staffing means the process of selecting and train the successful employee on recruitment process based on their job specification and job function (responsibility). This will help employee to be more understand his/her role in organization.

To help the organization gather as much as applicant, the e-recruitment system was developed. The system is fully based on virtual and all the application can be access via internet. So that, candidates can submits their resume/application online. Organization only needs to advertise their job opening and can choose the best people for certain position.

Three components involve: Input, Database and Output

Of course the main objective to develop this system is to help HRM to find the right and very qualified people to fill the job vacancies in organization and to decrease employee’s turnover especially when the right person fix on the right position (expert on that field).

The advantages of the system is can reach the large target (local and oversea applicant), reduce cost and time (no more advertisement on newspaper, reduce mailing cost, reduce workload of HRD), make selection process easier and quickly.

While the disadvantages of the system maybe will occur information overload (thousand of job specifics, dealing with many unsuitable applications), limited to user to access (required password, in Malaysia perspective: not everyone can afford to have internet), challenges to update information (need to have specialist team to monitor system), missing of the information (virus, spyware, system down).

Friday, March 23, 2012

Reflection on “Globalizing HRIS: Moving to a Transnational Solution”

As everyone known, HRIS has four types of HRIS organizational models… During my first lecture on HRIS model, I thought it was only three models. But after Mr. Ibrahim, our tutor summarize what we have learn, he just make me realize actually that was four models: 
  •     Multinational
  •  Global
  •  International
  • Transnational
All these four models differ in term of:
  •                  Degree of centralization
  •             Level of responsiveness to local issue
  •             Ability to leverage and knowledge sharing

What are Multinational, Global, International and Transnational???

Multinational Model is going to being more sensitive to local and regional differences. All the responsibilities and decision making are localized (decentralized with respect to the core), giving local business units considerable freedom, autonomy and control over their own operations. It is more focusing on local needs especially in term of local culture. For example is local bank such as BSN (manage by totally based on Malaysia context).

Global Model is implementing and managing HRIS more on building single and standardized centralized system. Most of the strategic assets, resources, responsibilities, and decision making are centralized. The model will minimizes the needs of local, national, and regional business units. It more on “one size fits all”. For example is Microsoft product.

International Model is used the approach on transferring and adapting knowledge and expertise to local organizations while continuing to retain considerable influence and control over the local organizations. It strikes a balance between local autonomy and central oversight.

Transnational Model is based on these three paradoxes: sensitive to the requirements of local business units, the desire to obtain efficiencies and to share and leverage learning and innovation across the worldwide organization. It is completely new model that centered on resolving this paradox.

As a conclusion, these three models have advantages and disadvantages. It can be used depend on the situation and organization need.