Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summary of HRIS


             To summarize what I have learned in Human Resource Information System is make organizational work become more effective and efficient. More things can be done by using the e-management system such as selection and recruitment and also e-induction system. In general, by using the system it can easy to access by employee especially employee who is in Y generation that very crazy with internet and computer. It is one of the ways to attract them become more interested in organization details. In term of cost, organization can reduce the cost and number of employee to handle one the system. Management and also employee can view their personal information anytime and update the new one. But the disadvantage by using this system is it can become hostile to the organization if the system was hacked and it has a high probability to lose the data. In a nude shell, HRIS can increase organization profit and welfare towards employee.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Performance Management Cycle

Employee performance management is the process of involving employees in accomplishing your agency’s mission and goals. It is includes planning work and setting goals, monitoring performance, developing capacity, reviewing performance, and rewarding good work.
There are five stages of performance management:

Stage 1: Planning
Performance planning will start at the early of the year and concentrate on core of the performance management process. The performance plan should be a written document. It is includes on work goals, competencies and learning. The hierarchy of the objectives: Vision, mission, goals, objectives, policies and procedures. The objective must in SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-related).

Stage 2 and 3: Monitor and Develop
Monitoring includes measuring performance and giving feedback. Two way communications between employee and manager is critical part in performance management process. Feedback and coaching should occur either in formal or informal way. Monitoring and tracking performance against standards and progress towards goals. Development through coaching, training, challenging or visible assignments, improving work processes. Performance can be measured by inspect on how work behavior is done and whether the result is achieved (performance outcomes, performance compared to job standards and performance goals/objectives).

Stage 4: Performance review
The review process should be done at least annually, discussing and documented. The formal process of documenting results the employee has achieved and behaviors and/or competencies displayed should occur at least once a year. It is suggested to conduct by face-to-face with a written record.

Stage 5: Reward
It either can be monetary, non-monetary or recognition. Good performance should be rewarded. Recognition and non-monetary rewards are an important part of the reward structure. For example is “thank you” and “well done” is more than enough for employee to be proud among their friends.

Even though objectives stated by organization is very critical part to make it parallel with organization needs, but organization must have standard performance management appraisal to see the employee performance based on their job description. The best employee should get their recognition and reward. 
Monday, May 14, 2012

Benefits and Services

There are four types of employee benefits which are:
(1)   Supplemental pay
(2)   Insurance benefits
(3)   Retirement benefits
(4)   Executive services

There also have some policy issues in designing benefit packages such as:
-          Which benefits to offer
-          Whether to include retirees
-          How to finance benefits
-          Cost containment procedures
-          Who will be covered
-          Coverage during probation
-          Degree of employee choice
-          Communicating benefits options

Pay for time not worked:
-          Unemployment insurance (provides for benefits if a person is unable to work through no fault of his or her own)
-          Sick leave (provide pay to an employee when he or she is out of work because of illness)
-          Severance pay (a one-time payment when terminating an employee)
-          Vacations and holidays (number of paid leave days and holidays varies by employer)
-          Parental leave (up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave within a one-year period)
-          Supplemental unemployment benefits (payments that supplement the laid-off or furloughed employee’s unemployment compensation)
Some of the insurance benefits provided:
-          Worker’s compensation
-          Hospitalization, health, and disability insurance
-          Health maintenance organization (HMO)
-          Preferred provider organization (PPOs)

Family-friendly (work-life) benefits:
-          Subsidized child care
-          Sick child benefits
-          Elder care
-          Time off
-          Subsidized employee transportation
-          Food services
-          Educational subsidies
-          Fitness and medical facilities
-          Flexible work scheduling

Flexible work schedules:
-          Flextime
-          Compressed workweek schedules
-          Workplace flexibility
-          Jon sharing
-          Work sharing

A flexible work schedule is an alternative way for women who has child because they can choose work time according their needs. In Asian especially Malaysia, flexible work schedule is not very familiar compared in western. In western they more open on this and the manager more understand their workers situation. As long the workers show high performance, the manager won’t bother whether they want work at flexible time or formal as office hours.
Friday, May 4, 2012

Introduction to Online Induction System

Online induction system is an online employee induction system which is easily manage and reporting of the induction process of new employees in their new environment organizations and promotion requirement (Kelly Rainer, 2007). It can explain about the organization’s policies that related to employees and the things that compulsory for employees to know. Generally, it is used to give a clearer picture on organization mission, vision and philosophy.
In e-induction is compulsory to include as stated below:

(1)   Course checklist
Course checklist is about the list from the organization for new staffs that they need to do whether via on-line or face-to-face induction. The specific guide for them need to list down by organization to make sure they still on the track especially for first day, first week, first month and after sixth month work checklist.

(2)   Induction programs
Is used for them to choose the induction course that they want to undergo and organization should stated the basic courses that required for them to undergo such as safety, health, security, and fire.

(3)   Conditions of employment
It is about the information such as on hours of work, including duty, shift systems, bonus, allowances and also compensation.

(4)   Safety, health, security, and fire
It looks like very simple but it is compulsory for all organization to have induction on this course that include on fire instruction and procedure, location of fire-fighting equipment, first aid facilities, insurance, medical claim and all the basic SOCSO information.

(5)   Employee’s conduct
This course includes the employees’ personal presentation, disciplinary procedures, confidentiality, giving and acceptance of gifts, private use of phone and also statements to the press. It is better for new staff understand this course for their benefits and organization advantage.

(6)   Employee’s involvement
It is about the association that employee can involve and through what channel they can speak out their right and make complain. For example is Worker’s union representative in organization.

(7)   Performance and development
Includes performance management, training and development and also compensation and benefits.